Sunday, February 28, 2016

From Academia to Social Media

I choose an author out of the issue of Nature Photonics randomly and did a background search to get an idea of who they are as a professional and individual.

Howie, Jason. "Social Media Apps" 3/23/13 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic.

Felix Joseph Heremans:

Social Media:

Dr. Herman's LinkedIn page is descriptive and recently updated.
Dr. Heremans' facebook consists mostly of his personal life. It looks like he travels frequently with his wife. He does not post any controversial pictures or articles that can jeopardize his professional standing.
His Youtube account does not have any videos created by him and it seems he uses it to keep up with his subscriptions. He subscribes to a lot of nature/hunting/camping and technology channels.
Dr. Hermans' persona in social media is mostly his personal life and is separate from his professional persons(besides his LinkedIn). He posts vacation photos and a lot of amazing nerdy poetry. However, looking back at the publication he was in in the latest issue of Nature Photonics, I noticed he was one of six authors. I searched his facebook for his fellow authors and found he is facebook friends with half of them.

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