Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review 1

One of the best ways to improve a rough draft is to have someone else read your work. This allows you to receive input from an impartial bystander who catches mistakes in your argument that you don't notice due to familiarity with your own work.

AJC ajcann.wordpress.com. "Peer Review" 5/23/08 via Flickr. Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic.

I peer reviewed Coby Allred's QRG on the Ivanpah Contrversy and here is the rubric. As I also wrote a QRG for my project, reviewing Coby's QRG was really helpful to me. Let's start with some effective choices he made in his QRG. Coby set up the "where"  for the Ivanpah controversy very well. He used strong imagery and had pictures that completed his descriptions. He was also very good at quoting some of the main claims of the stake holders. However, though he had a lot of clear claims, he did not describe his stakeholders very explicitly. He also did not draw attention to any of the more shocking quotes by isolating them which is commonly done in QRGs. I realized from grading his QRG that I made these exact same mistakes- I never made all my stakeholders clear and also could do a better job isolating key quotes or statistics. My plan of attack for improving my draft is to make a clear outline(which I neglected to do while writing the draft because I had all the process work blog posts) and then reorganize all the information.

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