Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

Here are descriptions of the specific type of research Dr. Meredith Kupinsky and Dr. Jose Saisian are involved in.

Albertella, Paul. "Alien Research Lab" 10/20/13 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic.

Dr. Meredith Kupinski
Dr. Kupinski travels frequently, around every 6 weeks, to attend conferences or seminars. She gives a lot of presentations and interviews. She also writes two or three professional research papers a year.

Professional Publications:
  • Seminar: Estimation Tasks in Emission Tomography (8/10/12)
    • summary
      • Tomographic imaging in clinical uses: Dr, Kupinski takes many images at a bunch of different angles and reconstructs the angular samples into images that are quantitatively accurate. This allows her to have a more accurate estimation of the diagnosis so doctors can treat it more effectively. This type of estimation imaging also works in "real time" so the images are generated quickly. 
      • Research Experience for Teachers(RET)- An NSF-funded research experience for teachers that offers high scool science teachers from Native American Reservations a summer sabbatical at the University of Arizona
    • context
      • medium- oral presentation with PowerPoint
      • audience- R.I.T upper level undergrad to grad students/interested faculty members- most likely in engineering and image science
      • Where- Center for Imaging Sciences at R.I.T.
    • overall message
      • present recent research on imaging tomography
      • educational outreach to Native American teachers to improve STEM education on reservations- slides at tend of presentation detailing program
        • allow students and teachers alike to preserve culture and traditions while still studying STEM
      • talk about career and how she got into the work she is in- inspire students to pursue what they love
    • purpose
      • convince people of the significance of tomography in clinical uses
      • raise awareness of education outreach work with Native Americans
  • Interview: Teachers' Voices with Ofelia Zepeda and Meredith Kupinski (7/5/12)
    • summary
      • Introduce a NSF funded program to give k-12 science teachers research opportunities in labs at the U of A in order to promote STEM education
    • context
      • medium- audio interview
      • audience- listeners of Arizona Public Media which is located in Tucson. The audience may be confined tot he Tucson area.
      • where- Arizona Public Media
    • overall message
      • Promote STEM education for k-12 students by encouraging the teachers to value and participate in research

Dr. Jose Sasian
Dr. Sasian participates in a lot of research and he teaches in graduate level photonics classes at the U of A.

Professional Publications:
  • University lecture: OPTI 517 Lens Design(Fall 2015)
    • summary- Lecture notes, homework assignments, and course syllabus/expectations
    • context
      • medium- online, published through the Optics college at the University of Arizona
      • audience- graduate students studying optics and photonics
    • purpose- class details, resources and expectations
  • Book: Introduction to Aberrations in Optical Imaging Systems (2/25/13)
    • summary- book on the theory of aberrations
    • context
      • medium- textbook
      • audience- grad students in optical engineering, researchers and technicians in academia or industry
      • published by Cambridge University Press located in the UK
    • purpose- information and education aimed at experts or high level students in the field of optics

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