Friday, May 6, 2016

Peer review 15b for Julia Davenport

The last peer review I am completing for this course features Julia Davenport's Video essay and my comments.

An explanation of the peer review activity you selected for the project you reviewed
  • I decided to make form suggestions.
An explanation of how you think you helped the author with your feedback (in other words, how did you help them make their work better?)
  • I suggested adding a grabber and making the two intro slides shorter.
An explanation of how you incorporated something from the suggested Student’s Guide readings (or any other course materials, if you’d prefer) into your feedback
  • Something Sean told me when I was creating my own video essay was to grab the attention of the audience within the first 30 seconds of a video essay and let them know what the entire video will be about. Julia has the what but not the grabber.
One thing about their work that you admired or think you could learn from
  • I liked how honest she was. What she said about being on camera or tape really resounded with me. Her candidness truly helped us understand her writing process and experience in this course.

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