Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review 13b for Benjamen Meyer

The second peer review this week is for Benjamen Meyer's QRG called New Year, New Test? My comments on his blog can be found here.
An explanation of the peer review activity you selected for the project you reviewed
  • I made some content suggestions.
An explanation of how you think you helped the author with your feedback (in other words, how did you help them make their work better?)
  • I pointed out to Benjamen that he never really makes suggestions for what should happen. He is a little ambiguous on his own stance. Obviously, he hates the new SAT but he makes no suggestions for an alternative route of action.
An explanation of how you incorporated something from the suggested Student’s Guide readings (or any other course materials, if you’d prefer) into your feedback
  • One of the tings about the public arguments we read is that the author should suggsest an alternative paln of action which Ben never does.
One thing about their work that you admired or think you could learn from
  • His QRG formatting was fantastic. The pictures were well integrated into the text and there was a good amount of blank space.

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