Sunday, April 24, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

At last, the final project is complete. Here is a link to my video essay: Abolish Abstinence: We Can't Keep Our Hands to Ourselves.

Key information about your particular project that you would like anyone who peer reviews your draft to know
  • It is pretty finalized, honestly. There is not much time for peer reviews this week.
Major issues or weaknesses in the “Fine Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those weaknesses)
  • I know my conclusion could be better and I don't have a witty ending line, but I got it done!!
Major virtues or strengths in the “Fine Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those strengths)
  • I think my arguments are pretty solid. I feel like the beginning of my video is entertaining enough to catch the attention of the audience and hopefully make them want to watch the rest of my video.

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